Towards a Community Hall

Avonwick and North Huish have been without a community hall for over 25 years. Part of the conditions for building the Higher Moor development was the provision of land for community use, with the intention that this site could be used for the community to build a village hall.

Why build a hall?

Village Halls play an integral part in the life of many rural communities. Many provide a wide range of activities and facilities and can be used for a variety of activities that cater for all age groups. They offer an ideal, affordable venue:

  • Wedding receptions, private parties
  • Meetings, conferences, supporting rural enterprise, rural work hubs
  • Health and fitness activities
  • Clubs and activities from toddlers to senior citizens
  • Theatre, film and drama productions

The ANHCHP believes that a hall in Avonwick would be a very useful addition to the village, and help build a greater sense of community in the parish.

How might this happen?

It will not be easy to build a new village hall, but that does not make it impossible! There are several key stages:

  1. Residents' Consultation
    This is ongoing work. It began with a consultation evening and continued with a survey of every household in the parish.
  2. Feasibility Study
    The ANHCHP committee are carrying out a detailed feasibiity study to weigh up the need, cost, practicality and long-term sustainability of a new village hall.
  3. Funding Applications, and Project Development Planning
    Initial funding was secured from the Big Lottery Fund for the community consultation and first phases of the feasibiity study. Depending on the outcome of this study, further fundraising will be required.
  4. New Village Hall Build
    If we can be satisfied that a hall can be built with the funds available and be sustainable, an expanded group will need to be formed to proceed with constructing a new hall for the parish.

Who is doing this?

The Avonwick and North Huish Community Hall Project is carrying out the initial phases of the project.

There is much to be done: it involves planning permission, paperwork, research, surveys, funding options, services, design and many other considerations.

You can find out about the ANHCHP committee here.

We are being supported by Devon Communities Together (formerly known as the Community Council of Devon), who have been supporting Devon's village halls and community buildings since 1961.

We are also working with the Parish Council, who hold the land available for a hall in trust.